What is a Security Key for WiFi of My Netgear Extender?

Security Key for WiFi of My Netgear Extender

Every WiFi device has a security key. For your information, a security key is nothing but the WiFi password of a network. Therefore, if we say Netgear extender security, we literally talk about the WiFi password of the Netgear extender network. Do you know what is a security key for WiFi extender brought in by Netgear? No? Worry not! The information given below will help.

What is My Netgear Extender Security Key?

Like all networking devices, the Netgear extenders also have the default WiFi password or security key. This security key is either given on the sticker of the product or inside the user manual. But, from wherever you check the Netgear security key, you must know that it is case-sensitive and must be entered carefully.

If the security key for WiFi extender is ABcdefg1, you can’t enter abcdefg1. If you do that, the extender will refuse to take the password and the connection will fail.

You can use the default WiFi password of the if you are performing Netgear extender setup after a factory reset or your extender is brand new. Let us now move ahead and discuss how you can check the WiFi password of your range extender network in case you changed it and forgotten it.

How to Find Security Key for WiFi Extender?

Here are the steps that we recommend you to follow if you are looking for information regarding finding out the network key of your Netgear extender:

  • Hardwire your PC to the Netgear extender and open a web browser.
  • Go to the address bar and visit mywifiext.net or mywifiext.local as per the OS of your PC.
  • As soon as the login window pops up, you need to enter admin into the Username field and password into the Password field.
  • On the Netgear extender dashboard, click Settings.
  • Now, move to Wireless Settings to open the WiFi settings of your extender’s frequency bands.
  • From there, you can see the WiFi password in front of the Network Key field.

This is how you can find the WiFi password of your Netgear extender. This password can now be used to connect wireless clients to the extender’s network. After that, you can access the IP from the connected device.

Another Method to Find Security Key on WiFi Extender

In case you do not want to access the web GUI of your Netgear extender to find the network key, it is recommended to check it via WiFi settings of your PC or mobile phone. However, that device needs to be present on the WiFi network of your Netgear extender:

wifi password in windows 10

  • Open the Network and Internet settings on your PC.
  • From there select the network of your Netgear extender.
  • Click Properties.
  • The WiFi password of the extender will appear if you select the Show Characters option.

Note: In case you are using a mobile phone present on the extender’s network, you need to select the WiFi network of the extender and tap the icon to expand it. From there, tap Show Password to view the security key of your WiFi extender.

The Final Words

This was all about how to find security key on WiFi extender. We hope that with the help of the given information, you will be able to check the WiFi password of your Netgear extender. However, if there is no device present on the extender’s network and neither you are aware of the admin password of the extender, you should look forward to reset it. This way, the extender will start working on the default WiFi password and you can use it to connect your devices.